Flutter Trends to Look Out for Creating Mobile Apps

Flutter Trends to Look Out for Creating Mobile Apps in 2024 & Beyond

Mobile app development has experienced vast advancements over recent years. Thanks to new frameworks and platforms released by developers, meeting consumer demand for top-quality and user-friendly applications has never been simpler. Flutter, especially, is one such framework that has seen tremendous popularity among app developers.

Why use it? It provides an easy, fast, and highly functional UI that can flexibly scale for both Android and iOS mobile app development projects.

Google announced Flutter as an open-source development tool in 2018. Flutter mobile app development approach for cross-platform applications, consists of an engine for rendering, APIs for testing and integration, and an easy set of widgets that make development faster than ever.

Flutter also features one codebase and hot reloading, giving developers the power to modify code in real-time and see its impact. Furthermore, non-expert programmers or developers may create mobile applications quickly without compromising quality or user interface features.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit launched by Google in 2018.

Since its launch, it has gained much attention for its ability to develop cross-platform apps.

Flutter supports engine rendering and APIs to test and integrate, as well as easy-to-use widgets that allow you to create an app by starting from scratch.

It allows hot reloading, which allows developers to view the changes immediately when there’s a change in the code.

According to research, by 2021, more than 40% of app developers would prefer to develop cross-platform apps using Flutter.

Flutter is an excellent option for developers looking to create cross-platform, high-quality applications with less time without the quality and user experience.

Origin and Early Growth

The story of Flutter began in 2017 when Google revealed Flutter. From that point, a growing community and continuous progress have been the hallmarks of its rise. Flutter’s capabilities expanded beyond mobile apps to desktop and web applications as time passed, showing a strong and scalable framework for cross-platform development.

Flutter’s beginning dates back to 2015 when it was revealed at the Dart developer summit under the title “Sky,” operating on the Android system with an ambitious objective of rendering the same 120 frames per second. In 2015, Google positioned Flutter as an innovative Software Development Kit (SDK) built upon Dart. Dart language, indicating its desire to allow Flutter to be the next system to support Android development.

The change from “Sky” to Flutter wasn’t without obstacles, including legal battles that eventually led to the name change. Technological advances were crucial in this transition and pushed Flutter towards becoming a leading mobile application development platform. Within a short time, the constant development of Flutter established its status as a top open-source technology that sparked discussions about native versus cross-platform apps and established its position in the development of mobile apps.

Through a combination of legal guidelines, technological advancements, and increasing community support, Flutter transitioned from a developing framework into a reliable platform for cross-platform app development, including web, mobile, and desktop apps. This trajectory is the result of a focused and flexible approach to navigating the ever-changing landscape of app technology.

Is Flutter Still a Useful Tool?

In 2024, Flutter will continue to be relevant and grow, establishing its place in the toolbox of programming tools. In addition to the constant improvements in performance stability and memory management from Flutter’s group over the past two years, Flutter developers can now create software that works with macOS, Windows, and Linux. This flexibility further supports the continued use of the technology.

Material 3 is now the preferred design of new applications, providing developers with access to stunning components that must be included in their work. This community continues to amaze with the high-quality solutions available, with more than 30,000 applications available anytime, including 73 that Google has recognized as packages developers should consider when creating applications.

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Reasons to Choose Flutter for Mobile App Development in 2024

Since its first release, Flutter has taken the app development world by storm.

Each update improves the platform’s performance and flexibility, which allows developers to create more enjoyable apps and improve performance.

In the near Future, the Flutter framework is on track to become the most popular framework for app developers that works across platforms.

Reasons to Choose Flutter for Mobile App Development in 2024

Let’s look at what makes Flutter framework a fresh development trend.

Continue reading to learn more!

>Own Rendering Engine

Because the development demands for mobile apps are changing rapidly, startup companies are seeking ways to improve their processes and decrease expenses.

One of the main factors is the efficiency of app rendering.

Unlike many other frameworks, Flutter has a built-in rendering engine called Skia.

This allows Flutter app development company to save time and money by not having to integrate an additional rendering engine into the design of their apps.

Skia is available in Chrome and Firefox. In addition to being hardware-accelerated, It renders using OpenGL ES, making it more efficient and faster.

>Advanced APIs

In the case of app failure, numerous apps fail because of an insufficient user experience throughout the application.

Every user wants an improved user experience.

Flutter is a platform that supports APIs with advanced capabilities to build applications that offer a more user-friendly experience.

REST and HTTP are two advanced APIs that help developers build stunning animations. Flutter allows both.

Through the APIs available, app developers can develop more sophisticated and dynamic features in their applications, like dynamic data exchange using external sources.

The APIs allow developers to improve the overall design and user experience of their apps, which is important in ensuring user satisfaction.

>Native Like Performance

If the mobile app you’re using doesn’t satisfy the user’s requirements, the user will delete the application.

Unlike other cross-app development platforms, Flutter applications provide the native experience when using these.

Contrary to other cross-platform applications, Flutter is designed with the Dart Programming Language and uses an AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) compiler to interpret the app’s code.

With AOT, the code is built in binary format and then run directly by the platform, making the process more efficient and exciting.

>Transparent Documentation

Flutter is a growing community that could draw many developers into the community in the future.

Most likely, the upcoming technology doesn’t have the right documentation.

In Flutter, finding the most transparent and precise documents is possible.

This allows developers to develop apps quickly.

>Game Engine

The release of a commutable gaming engine called Flame by Flutter, which gives you the best gaming options, has spurred the development of the video gaming industry.

It uses the strong framework provided by Flutter and simplifies the code to construct projects.

It allows you to create a simple but effective game loop and offers all the features needed to make games.

For example, input, images, Animations, sprite sheets, Collision detection, and a system of components we refer to as the Flame Component System are all included.

>Perfect for MVPs

Each startup or company prefers MVPs to test their ideas with the least risk.

Typically, MVPs are created using a few resources, such as a shorter time frame and cost, as well as minimal effort.

With Flutter, developers can build native applications with limited functionality, allowing users to quickly validate their business concepts.

Because of the single codebase framework that it uses, Flutter is compatible with iOS and Android devices. This makes it simple and reliable to calculate the cost of capital or the feasibility of your idea without having to create the entire code.

This will save you time and energy.

An organization or a startup can utilize Flutter as a framework to test their ideas by constructing MVPs that require minimal effort and a short amount of time.

Flutter can meet all performance and functionality requirements, making it a great option for developing MVPs.

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Flutter in 2023: Taking a Look Back

2023 was an excellent year for Flutter, and it saw widespread adoption and success in various industries. Flutter’s flexibility and effectiveness were highlighted in several high-profile projects, further confirming Flutter’s position as a top tool for cross-platform development.

>Google’s Continued Commitment

Google itself gave a major endorsement for Flutter, with key tools such as Google Earth or Google Classroom being updated using Flutter. This is not just a sign of Google’s confidence in Flutter but also highlights its ability to manage large-scale, complex applications.

>Production and Project Management with Click Up

Click Up, a complete productivity tool, has adopted Flutter to power its mobile app development. Simon Leier, a Software Engineer at Click Up, described their approach to managing CI/CD within Flutter and provided insight into the application of Flutter to improve workflow and project management.

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>Banking Sector Innovation

Credit Agricole Bank Polska’s partnership with LeanCode to create CA24 mobile banking app is an example of Flutter’s capabilities in financial services. The application, created by thirty Flutter developers, has advanced features such as biometric authentication, highlighting Flutter’s capabilities to manage sophisticated security-conscious financial applications.

>AWS Amplify’s Flutter Integration

AWS Amplify from Amazon AWS Amplify announced the launch of general availability for Amplify Flutter in 2021, and ever since they’ve been devoted to infusing AWS solutions into Flutter apps. The launch of v1.0.0 of Amplify Flutter, which has been completely rebuilt in Dart, is an important milestone. It provides Flutter developers with powerful tools to create multi-platform applications.

The examples in 2023 demonstrate Flutter’s expanding influence and adaptability across a variety of industries. From banking apps to productivity tools and cloud service integration to rapid advancements in food distribution, Flutter has proved its value as a flexible, effective framework for modern application development.

Top Flutter App Development Trends for Mobile App Development

Flutter app development comes with animations, widgets, and tools to make developing apps easier and more enjoyable. Let’s look at the most popular Flutter app development services trends you must keep an eye on this year:

Top Flutter App Development Trends for Mobile App Development

>AI-Powered Flutter applications

AI developers can use AI-powered tools and techniques to assist in the code-making process. Flutter’s AI-powered mobile applications permit the analysis of existing codebases, identification of trends, and creation of code. They also have functions that speed up development and minimize mistakes during the development phase.

Machine learning algorithms can also be used through end-user data provided by developers to carry out automated prediction processes. In this regard, e-commerce software would employ AI to look at a customer’s prior purchases of products and suggest products that match their preferences. In the same way, fitness and health applications use their users’ activity information to create customized training programs based on the individual’s needs.

>Null Safety

Developers of Flutter apps have adopted null safety. It aids in the creation of stable code and reduces the risk of runtime issues. Null Safety is proven to be extremely useful for Flutter apps due to its ability to eradicate one of the main causes of crashes and bugs: Null references. Flutter’s null security ensures that variables are explicitly indicated as nullable or non-null.

The most recent trend that is expected to continue is the use of Flutter development tools, such as Null Safety or Dart. Developers can write fast, secure, and reliable code, reduce runtime errors, and provide a better user experience. Null Safety also increases the quality of code while helping to improve the efficiency of project maintenance and development.

>Integration of IoT

In 2023, there was a huge requirement for IoT integration using Flutter applications, and it is expected to grow in the coming year. Thanks to IoT Flutter applications, they can connect to various sensors, smart devices, and other systems to control and monitor connected gadgets and appliances. A variety of factors influence the application of IoT in the development of mobile apps using Flutter. It increases the efficiency of controlling smart home devices, including medical instruments and industrial sensors.

The developers can run their IoT functions on any device and cover greater terrain quickly thanks to Flutter’s Cross-platform assistance. It helps create software that provides real-time data to smart systems that can share information and perform actions with users.

>Web and Desktop Development

Flutter Web App Development is another trend that will remain soon. It allows developers to create high-performance desktop and web applications with engaging user interfaces. The use of Flutter in web app development lets developers reuse a large portion of the code and make minor edits before making it available for deployment. This will not only help save time, money, and resources but also provide users with a consistent experience across devices.

The greatest thing about Flutter Web is that it lets you design attractive and beautiful UIs by using Flutter’s adjustable widgets and plugins. This involves adding animations, transitions, and effects that make your website app more dynamic and engaging.

>Wearable Flutter apps

Wearables have created an industry niche. They’re constantly in demand due to the absence of scanners and sensory capabilities on portable devices and computers. Wearable applications will speed up the pace of technological advancement, and therefore, it is essential to utilize an application framework that makes features easier to use. Flutter is flexible and adaptable, allowing app development to move to the next level, specifically wearable technology. Shortly, Flutter will expand its support for wearable devices like wristwatches and pedometers to offer users an enjoyable experience.

Therefore, companies must seek out Flutter, which develops apps to design these wearables that integrate Android platforms and create a space where users can enjoy seamless and enjoyable experiences.

>Instant Apps

In 2024, users’ convenience will be the top priority, especially in the realm of Flutter and app development. Creating an instant application is the most effective method for improving your business’s efficiency and building strong relationships with customers. Downloading an instant app to experience its features or content is unnecessary. The apps mostly make life easier, and you’ll save space on your device while taking advantage of the app’s advantages.

Flutter is a great option for making instant apps practical since it will alter the standard for mobile app development in the near future. Flutter instant apps are likely to be popular since they are faster to load and have several versions available for various OSs to tackle issues with performance and memory.

The Flutter service mainly supports this style of operation because of its AOT compilation feature that converts Dart code into machine code before the application is loaded onto the device. It’s crucial since it does not require any just-in-time compilation in the initial start-up phase of the application.

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>Flutter Web

This initiative plans to introduce Flutter’s capabilities on web platforms. This will allow developers to build interactive and responsive web applications using Flutter’s widgets and stateful hot refresh. While it’s still in the beta stage, several renowned websites, such as The New York Times and Alibaba, have implemented the technology.

>On-Demand Apps

Flutter and on-demand apps could revolutionize mobile app development. Flutter offers a wide range of UI plugins, expressive interfaces, and the Dart programming language, which tends to help the app run more quickly, less error-prone, and more smoothly than ever before.

>State Restoration

This Flutter feature lets developers keep the current state of their application during restarts of the app or system reboots, as well as modifications to the configuration. Users can start the application from where they left it, regardless of whether it has been restarted or stopped. State Restoration first came out in Flutter 1.22. However, it’s currently in a trial phase. Users can also opt-in to existing projects.

>Animations Plus

A Flutter program that provides additional widgets and tools to create amazing animations using features like animation controllers, smooth transitions, curves, tweens, and Physics. This can make creating animation more enjoyable and expressive. It was invented by a Flutter fan, but it was not officially released by members of the Flutter team.

>Flutter Community

A group comprises Flutter enthusiasts who develop and share resources, content, and tools to support the Flutter community. They also help developers from all over the globe. The Flutter community is expected to grow by 2024, creating an active and supportive community for developers using Flutter.

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>E-Commerce Applications

Flutter provides robust support for building feature-rich e-commerce apps that include catalog browsing, product listing, secure payment processing, and seamless user experience across all platforms.

>Flutter 3.0

Since the launch of Flutter 2.0 and 3.0, the Flutter community has experienced an increase in usage, and Flutter 3.0 has further developed it with many new features. The latest version provides enhanced performance and new features to meet the broad development requirements, including desktop and web-based applications.

The introduction of sound null security and the upgrade of the widget library were crucial to Flutter 2.0’s update. Flutter 2.0 upgrade: Flutter 3.0 brings Material 3 design integration as well as Canvas Kit configuration to the table.

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The Key Takeaway

As explained in Google’s blog, Flutter is a game changer for mobile app development! It offers tremendous potential for numerous Flutter app development companies that operate on various platforms, have speedy turnaround times, and have go-to-market aspects. Additionally, it can help you save money, resources, and lots of time.

Flutter app development became the most popular tool for companies in 2023 because of its options and features. Furthermore, with additional advancements coming soon, we can anticipate Flutter becoming the leader in the mobile app development market within the next few years.

This blog outlines some of the most prominent Flutter app development trends to watch out for in 2024. Additionally, we analyze the reasons Flutter is still a formidable contender for developing cross-platform apps. The technologically driven world requires a better user experience and stable and functional applications.

Furthermore, Flutter expects to develop a quicker, ready-to-market application with low-cost management. This makes Flutter’s future look very promising. As we look towards the future, something is certain: the realm of app development using Flutter is bursting with endless possibilities.

Sandeep Agrawal

Sandeep Agrawal is the visionary CTO at InventCoLabs, bringing innovation to life through his technical expertise. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, Sandeep leads the team in developing robust solutions. His dedication and continous efforts to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible defines his role as a transformative and innovative force in the tech industry.
