How to Get Started Building a Social Media App?

How to Get Started Building a Social Media App 2024?

We’re sure you won’t be able to find anyone not using at the very least one social media application, except if they don’t have a smartphone.

In this digital age, connectivity, communication, and connectivity dominate, so making social media apps will be worthwhile. 

But the potential to create a platform that creates connections between people, builds communities, and allows users to share their thoughts can be thrilling and challenging. If you’re thinking of how you can create a social media app and maximize its potential, then you’re in the right spot.

The rise of social media applications is fueled by various elements, such as user-friendliness, constant improvement, personalized content, and the capability to connect with people around the world. The increasing appeal of social media applications has driven companies to develop apps for social media due to their wide potential for reach, targeted capabilities, and potential for engagement.

Market Phase Of Social Media Apps

Finding a social networking application with every phone you purchase is common. A study by Smartinsights estimates that nearly 59 percent of users use social media and that the average amount of time per day is over two hours. It’s as true as it sounds; the figures clearly show the increasing popularity of these social media apps and the need for the latest features.

In this way, while Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram are the most popular social media platforms, users are willing to use new and innovative applications as the years go by. Some of the most notable examples are Discord, TikTok, and Clubhouse, which have their own strategies to attract users with various desires.

Now that you are aware of the wealth of opportunities for social media app development, we can examine the steps required to create one immediately!

The amount of time people spend on social networks is growing yearly. According to Statista, in 2012, the median time spent on social media was 90 minutes, while in 2023, it had increased to 150 minutes. Imagine this as more than two hours of conscious consumption of the content that people create through social media platforms.

Popular social media applications cover wide audiences. Facebook, the market leader, had more than 3.3 billion active users as of 2023. In addition, the global number of users using social media apps will be approximately 5.9 billion in 2027. This makes the market an attractive investment for both established and emerging companies.

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What is Social Media Application?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are popular social media apps that dominate the landscape, with millions of active users and innovative ideas. Facebook and Instagram have a reputation for their story live streaming and sharing, LinkedIn helps with professional networking, and TikTok increases engagement through videos in short form.

Both existing social media channels and new platforms integrate new technology and trends to enhance the user experience. For instance, Instagram and Snapchat integrate AR filters to allow users to benefit from personalized images and sharing. Audio features are supported on several social platforms that allow real-time interaction using voice-based communications.

E-commerce integration with Pinterest lets users purchase items directly from other users through stories or posts posted. Instagram has evolved into an online shopping mall where customers can search for items and purchase directly through the app.

Step-By-Step Process for Social Media Application Development in 2024

The process of creating a social network application is a thorough process that involves 6 crucial steps to be followed to:

Step-By-Step Process for Social Media Application Development

>Define the Purpose of Your App

When creating a social media application, the first step is to develop an idea and conceptualization. As a business proprietor, you have to establish your social media application’s primary goal, the audience you want to target, and, more importantly, what rivals are up to to differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack.

To achieve this, consider conducting thorough market research, conceptualizing your ideas, or creating the necessary features and capabilities for your new social media application. Also, consider important milestones before creating your social media application.

>Project Evaluation and Proposal

Once you’ve decided on the goal the app will serve, you can move to the next step: project evaluation and proposal. Make a proposal that will introduce the development of your app on social media.

It will show the aspects of social media application development and the way in which it develops. It also includes the total time required to develop the social media application and the advanced technology that will be utilized for social media app development.

>Wireframing and Prototyping

Think about creating interactive wireframes and prototypes essential to creating a social media application. Wireframing and prototyping can assist you in bringing your application concept to life and meeting your expectations.

Utilizing the most effective wireframing tools available, you can develop a social media app that can create a crystal clear application, making the process easier to understand starting from the beginning. Utilizing the most effective prototyping tools, on the other hand, can be an example of how to build the final product, which allows users to test their concepts for your app and get authentic feedback from your users.

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>Development Stage

After creating wireframes and prototypes, it’s time to develop an app for social media at a larger scale. This is when the developers begin writing code, and the most important features are integrated. The development team selects a platform like iOS, Android, or cross-platform, based on the client, and then creates apps for social media.

Additionally, they design strong and secure frontends and mobile app backend architectures and develop secure databases to assist in capturing users’ data. They also ensure that the UI design is fluid on any screen size, providing a smooth user experience across all types of devices.

>Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality control are two essential aspects to consider when creating a social media application. The testers and QA team adhere to a planned strategy. They evaluate the app’s functionality using the latest software testing trends to improve users’ experience. They find flaws and issues to reduce the risk of high bounce rates.

The team also makes sure to identify performance bottlenecks before the social media application is launched to users. The team utilizes bug reports to help resolve issues on time and then later verify the app’s performance and user experience.

>Release and Maintenance

With the assistance of app development experts, you’ve built a social media application. It’s time to release your app on the market and then wait for income generation. To ensure that your social media app runs for the long term, be sure to keep it up-to-date.

Create an online social media platform that is highly scalable and can handle future growth problems or include more features for the best user experience. With the help of app developers, you can develop a social media application and help your business grow in the digital world.

Types of Social Media Platforms

The division of apps by categories will help determine what market to target, which existing social platforms, and what kind of audience is waiting for you on the other side.

Types of Social Media Platforms

These are the typical social media platforms.

>Social Networking Apps

They can be used to interact and connect with other users on the internet. They can be utilized for personal use (Facebook, Twitter) or to facilitate professional networking (LinkedIn).

>Media Sharing Networks

These social media apps permit active users to post all types of files (photos, videos, GIF files, etc.). The most well-known examples include Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo, and Imgur.

>Networks for Consumer Reviews

Consumers use these apps to search for and rate companies they’ve had a bad experience with. Yelp is likely one of the most well-known apps in consumer-based review networks.

>Community and Discussion Forums

These social media platforms are fantastic locations to ask questions, receive responses, and share information, thoughts, news, and experiences. The most popular applications in this field can be found on Quora and Reddit.

>Bookmarking and Content Curation

The users of these social media apps can share their content, discover other users’ posts, and save them to their accounts. Mobile apps such as Pinterest, Mix, and Flipboard belong to this kind of social media.

>Blogging and Publishing

Social networks permit users to set up blogs and publish their posts there. Medium and Tumblr are very popular now; many users make their posts live daily.

>Interest-based Networks

Mobile apps of this kind bring together people with similar interests. Users can discuss their interests and experiences with others on these platforms. Goodreads and are great examples to explore.

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>Anonymous Social Networks

These types of social media are especially popular with teens since they can communicate non-securely with one another. Some of the most frequently used apps in this category are Whisper,, and After School.

It is important to pay close attention to these categories as each one specifies the primary characteristics of apps that are part of them. If you choose your path, ensure you’ve thoroughly researched it and examined other social media applications and their target audience.

Benefits of Social Media App Development

A social media application offers numerous benefits to businesses. It is an excellent way to get to know your customers, draw them in to buy from you and increase your sales. A few of the advantages we’d like to discuss are:

Benefits of Social Media App Development

>Better Brand Promotion

Nearly every second, people use social apps for Android and iOS. They are an excellent platform to reach a bigger crowd, connect with users, and boost sales. Experts from a well-known mobile app development company say that if you can provide users with the option to talk about your services or products on social networks, you have a greater chance of keeping them interested.


Social media has many benefits, but one of the most important is its connectivity. It allows a multitude of users to connect regardless of location or time, as its interconnectivity allows information to be shared globally. This makes communication simple for users, as connections across the globe are formed more effectively than ever.

>Faster and Easier Communication

Social media app users can communicate with the social media app developers. This means the experts who develop apps can pinpoint problems or quickly enhance features according to users’ needs.

This is why contacting the correct individuals regarding the app’s contents helps to communicate clearly between the professional and the user.

Additionally, social media allows companies to learn, analyze, and address user complaints more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

Communication has become much more powerful, and the layout of social media applications creates a perfect bridge between users and development networks.

>Boost Organic Visibility

Another benefit is organically increasing your site’s visibility, which is why social media marketing is the most effective method. The most crucial aspect of this is SEO.

SEO can add value to your site by using these applications and provide quality backlinks to your website’s content. The social media app gives relevancy indicators and other signals to search engines like Google, which ensures that the most popular content in the apps is displayed for users to utilize, share, and promote.

To increase the number of customers daily, having an ongoing presence for your company on the social media platform greatly benefits your business.

>Better Features and Business

Every company’s single goal is to have a happy customer. This applies to sales or development; they must meet their needs. Every industry strives to receive useful feedback from its users to improve its capabilities and expand the company.

Furthermore, traditional and digital success can be achieved through understanding and responding to the highest-quality customer service. A member of the development team can get direct feedback from users on the app and then modify it to meet users’ needs and give the best user experience.

If you also have a web-based presence, adding chatbots to your businesses can greatly improve customer service and engagement by allowing you to respond to customer queries quickly and offer immediate assistance, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

>Increase Your Branding

The correct branding of any business is typically a requirement for each estimate listing. However, it is important to highlight that it is among social media’s key capabilities.

Social media, like other marketing tools with a range of features, can produce the highest conversion rates. However, the impression a brand emits and the personality it embodies could be greatly improved and displayed through social media applications.

>Driving Sales and Revenue

Social media platforms can be powerful tools for increasing sales and revenue. By promoting their goods and services via these apps, companies can reach a greater number of people, which increases the likelihood of making an offer.

Additionally, with features such as shopping posts that can be purchased and an immediate checkout, social media platforms make it simpler for consumers to purchase, which drives revenues and sales for businesses.

Develop your social media application

>Faster Service/Product Demonstration

If you invest in social media apps, you can advertise your product directly to buyers quickly and easily. You can spread the word about special offers, discounts, or new releases, which will encourage buyers to purchase and also share the news with other customers.

In addition, by regularly updating the users with useful information, you will inform them that they are important to you, which will encourage them to become brand loyalists.

>Search Ranking and Conversion Rates

It’s interesting to know that every share, like, or reblog of your content will increase your website’s rank on Google. If you don’t promote your content on social media, it could take a long time to reach your customers.

With just a few tweets posted via social networks, you’ll become famous within a short time. People will be aware of you, communicate with you, and, in turn, and increase your chat rates.

>Crowdsourcing of Ideas

Crowdsourced and user-generated content is a free, amazing, exclusive, and unique benefit every user receives by using this app for social media.

This kind of content can create a lasting impression on viewers and the brand. Brands can benefit from high-quality content such as videos, images, infographics, memes, etc. Social media allows our development team to solicit the content of users and later accept it as such.

Cost of Developing a Social Media Application

Development costs aren’t certain since they depend on several aspects, including design complexities, features and functions, the platform, and others. When developing a social media app, it is recommended to develop an MVP (MVP) to focus attention on the app’s main purpose.

Start with the basics, and if they’re working properly, you can add advanced features to create a distinctive social media application distinctive social media application. With the help of new MVP development solutions, companies can launch their product into the market quickly.

Hire dedicated developers for social media app

However, the estimated cost of social media application development is between $100,000 and $250,000 on average, but the range of costs could be higher due to the application’s complexity.

Do you also know how to create an app for social media and turn it into a profitable business? With the help of a combination of effective monetization strategies such as paid apps, app purchases, in-app ads, freemium models, and subscription models, these strategies for monetization can increase your revenues.

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The Key Takeaway

Create a top-quality social networking application that will change the way you do business with the aid of the most experienced app experts. Consider hiring an established social media app development company, such as Inventcolabs, which has a group of skilled developers who are proficient in every mobile platform, such as cross-platform apps, iOS, and Android app development.

People want a genuine digital connection that is free of any strings attached. Niche social media apps provide the answer you and your friends are seeking, and it’s not the right time to start one.

However, it’s important to remember that creating a social media application is not a one-time activity. It requires continual improvement, testing, and improvements to keep up with users’ changing requirements and preferences.

Jitendra Jain

Jitendra Jain is the CEO and Co-founder of Inventcolabs. He is among the most endeavoring leaders in the space of advanced computing and information technology. He has been at the forefront of the tech innovation taking place at Inventcolabs, and his domain insights, ideas, and viewpoints on the latest IT trends and traits impact change through his words and works in motion.
