How To Hire iOS Developers Tips To Get It Right

How To Hire iOS Developers Tips To Get It Right in 2024

Mobile applications have proven invaluable to companies worldwide. To fully benefit from them, businesses need to hire experienced developers with up-to-date technological knowhow.

iOS and Android have emerged as dominant operating systems with nearly 100% market share worldwide—they even rank first and second, respectively!

Additionally, while only 20% of iOS users own Apple phones, these users spend significantly more time online engaging in premium services, paid applications, and non-digital products; it would thus be safe to say that iOS application development represents a huge revenue market.

Businesses that require iOS applications to increase revenues require experienced programmers, and this blog offers a step-by-step guide on hiring iOS app developers suited specifically to your company’s needs.

What’s iOS Development?

The simplest way to describe it is that iOS application development involves creating apps for Apple’s operating system. It requires working with programming languages such as Objective C and Swift. Apple’s operating system is run on the iPhone, iPod, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac. The iOS platform has a wealth of features and allows developers to create high-performance and security applications.

Options to Choose for Hiring iOS Developers

Are you seeking to hire iOS programmers? There are many effective ways to locate these individuals. For instance, over one-third (35 percent) of startups rely on referrals, whereas other businesses employ professional platforms. Here are a few alternatives to hire iOS developers:

>In-house App Developers

Be prepared to pay a substantial amount when you hire in-house developers.

As you only require service for a brief period and not for a long time, using it all the time is unnecessary.

You’ll have to hire new employees, teach them, pay for their holiday time, and offer additional perks.

>Hiring A Freelancer

If your development task is not too complex, it’s best to employ developers on a contract basis.

Find a skilled freelancer who can create an effective application in a short amount of time and still fit into your budget.

Be aware that hourly costs are different, and the cost of developing a mobile application must be determined before development begins.

But you can’t rely on a single person to get things done to the finish.

The rest, like design, coding, quality control, and team management, will be contracted to freelancers.

While this is a great cost-saving alternative, it usually leads to an absence of synergy and a loss of accountability and transparency, which can hinder the development of your app.

You should also be prepared for delays in your work caused by the lack of coordination due to the lack of skill between the different abilities.Looking to Hire iOS Developers for Your Next Mobile and Web Applications?


Outsourcing your mobile application development is a great option for staying within your budget and benefiting from the experience.

There are many challenges, from communication issues to time zone variations.

However, when you partner with a reliable mobile application development company such as Inventcolabs, our skilled project managers will handle the variables you’re dealing with.

Roles and Responsibilities of iOS Developers

iOS application developers are experts in developing dynamic, feature-rich, and secure apps that are secure, feature-rich, and interactive for iOS devices. They usually concentrate on a methodical process to make the development process simple and efficient. You can anticipate the following services from professional iOS developers:

Roles and Responsibilities of iOS Developers

>Application Designer

The most important task for the iOS designer is to create an efficient and simple user interface for their app. This involves evaluating the display quality of the UI elements and the layout. The application designer creates the application’s menus, screens, buttons, and overall layout. They collaborate with stakeholders to fully understand the requirements and then convert these into design prototypes that can be evaluated and accepted.

>Native iOS Development

From concept to finalization, dedicated iOS app developers specialize in developing native apps designed to meet customers’ needs, employing cutting-edge technologies. They are typically convinced of future-proof iOS solutions that offer a superior user experience over a long time. They also design native apps that integrate AI/ML and Blockchain technology.

>Multi-Device Development

Professional iPhone developers assist you in creating flexible iOS apps that are compatible with all Apple devices, such as iPads, iPhones, and Macs. They have years of experience creating iOS apps that run seamlessly on all platforms.

>UI/UX Design For iOS Apps

The UI/UX aspect is major in every app development project. Professionally designed UI/UX developers make an iOS app appealing visually, easy to use, user-friendly, and intuitive. This service can help you improve the user experience of your application. This results in increased profitability and higher conversion.

>iOS App Testing

Testing and quality assurance are crucial to any app’s development achievement. Professional iOS developers and testers collaborate to perform tests to detect mistakes or bugs in the app. This enhances the user experience and helps keep the application up-to-date.


When an app is launched, iOS coders debug and solve issues to ensure everything works as it should. This includes fixing performance issues, introducing new features, and solving compatibility issues. The aim is to create an excellent user experience while preserving the application’s utility and relevance as time passes. Other maintenance tasks include resolving compatibility issues on different devices or making the app more user-friendly to work with future iOS versions.

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Increasing Demand for Hiring iOS Developers

Let’s begin by introducing some of the most important figures. Apple generated more than $365 billion in revenues in 2021, of which 52% were derived from iPhone sales. The wearable technology department of Apple has grown by 25. Additionally, in the fiscal year ending in 2020, Apple sold over 70 million iPads as well as 20 million Apple watches, 20 million MacBook units, and 110 million AirPods. Additionally, in the same time frames, the company’s services division, which included Apple Music and Apple TV, was responsible for 18 percent of its revenue.

Every business selling its services digitally should hire mobile app developers who can develop native iOS applications. If they don’t, they’ll be unable to market their products to the wealthy market of Apple users.

Many iOS app developers do not just create native iOS applications. However, they create cross-platform apps that run on both Android and iOS. iPhone applications developed by iOS programmers enhance the experience of customers and assist in achieving higher levels of business growth. Additionally, they have more security features and operate offline across different devices.

Top Advantages of IOS Development for Businesses

Before you decide whether or not to work with an iOS app development company, look at the benefits of having an iOS application for your business!

Top Advantages of IOS Development for Businesses

>Security and Privacy

Apple’s approach to data protection is unrivaled. If businesses choose iOS, they’re selecting an infrastructure protected by end-to-end encryption, regular security checks for apps, and continuous updates containing features that address weaknesses, like encryption between apps and authentication for users.

This does not just protect sensitive data from hackers but can also increase customer confidence. Additionally, companies can opt to install reliable third-party SDKs to further protect. A virtual keyboard could be made by using our SDK, which comes with a variety of additional security measures to secure the data entered on keyboards. This will help prevent keylogging and security leaks.

By utilizing iOS app development in conjunction with third-party partners that have strong cybersecurity practices, companies can be sure that there aren’t any data breaches that could affect them and their clients. In this way, all app users can take advantage of its features and be assured that their data cannot be tracked or accessed by a person who is not.

>Voice Integration and Virtual Assistants

Apple is among the most creative electronics firms and the first to develop voice recognition. Because they were pioneers in this field, they have achieved outstanding results regarding voice recognition and provide the ideal ecosystem to integrate these features into apps.

>Monetization Opportunities

Studies have proven evidence that Apple customers are much more likely to purchase apps and their content. Being confident it is true that the App Store conducts rigorous tests to ensure that apps function smoothly, users are confident that the apps they purchase are likely to be worthwhile and will come with no unexpected negative consequences after paying. This leads to more frequent payments and greater earnings.

>Community and Support

The iOS developer community is lively and constantly growing. The support offered is unrivaled in everything from documentation and forum discussions to conferences for developers, helping developers stay ahead of technological advancements. There’s also an enormous user base that can offer feedback on the latest applications and features. For 2022 alone, 225.3 million iPhone units were sold. In addition, for those with devices from earlier years, these figures are a huge market that companies’ apps can enter and prosper.

>User Interface & UX

Given that Apple has a wide range of loyal users, working towards using the tools that Apple has developed is a great option for providing a superior user experience.

While some developers might choose to work with third-party platforms when developing applications, using Apple’s resources for development aids in a more efficient development process and guarantees that the app is compatible with Apple’s operating system. They can be paired with third-party plugins as well as SDKs specifically created for iOS, which allow developers to incorporate additional features while ensuring accurate compatibility and cutting down on development time.

Using SDKs and plugins for iOS app development allows endless possibilities for adapting and customizing your app based on what kind of app you wish to develop. This could help you design the perfect app that meets all the requirements of your users. However, iOS tools are usually not sufficient, and the development process can be difficult and lengthy. This is why third-party SDKs play a crucial role.

>App Store Apps

The Apple App Store is a worldwide marketplace for applications with millions of users per day and a huge number of daily visitors. Being able to get a spot here gives you more visibility and credibility. They are supported by Apple’s thorough review process, which eliminates applications that aren’t of the highest quality and allows users to believe that the apps they download are reliable and of the highest quality. Because of this, the App Store functions as a platform to advertise and monetize your app.

>Enhanced Performance and Optimization

The tight integration between Apple’s hardware and software will ensure that applications run without glitches or crashes. App developers are aware that this is among the main features for Apple users and strive to develop apps that are equally smooth and compatible with iOS.


Apple’s unique IDE, XCode, allows developers to test their applications across all devices without switching from one device to another. Test the process using different emulators in the program to guarantee the absence of bugs. This helps make the development process quicker and improves user experience.

>Device Interoperability

Apple lets developers cut production times significantly since many frameworks have an interoperable code library that works with various Apple products. This allows companies to reach different kinds of customers (Mac, iPhone, or iPad users, for example) through one production process, thus expanding their audience.

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Things to Know Before Developing an iOS Application

Making your iOS application is a thrilling undertaking. However, planning and weighing different aspects is vital before embarking on the journey. These are the most important aspects to remember before you hire iOS developers for creating your next application: Things to Know Before Developing an iOS Application

>Define Your App’s Purpose and Goals

It is important to clearly define your app’s goal and the issue it addresses for users. What are your main goals for your app? Understanding your app’s objectives is essential to its success.

>Target Audience

Identify your target audience or user demographics. Knowing your users’ wants, preferences, and problems will help you create and promote your app effectively.

>Market Research

Conduct extensive market research to evaluate the market, identify any gaps, and learn what users expect from you. This data will inform your app’s development and marketing plans.

>Platform Selection

Choose whether to create solely for iOS or a combination of different platforms (iOS and Android). The choice is contingent on the target market you intend to reach and your available resources.

>Budget and Resources

Set a regular budget for app development and maintenance. Consider the costs associated with design testing, development marketing, and potential updates.

>App Monetization Strategy

Plan how you will make money from your app. The most popular monetization strategies are one-time purchases, subscriptions, and ads.

>App Design and User Experience (UX)

Make sure you invest in a user-friendly and visually attractive design. Consider ensuring that users have a great experience and that your application is user-friendly and enjoyable. You might want to conduct user tests to collect feedback.

>Legal Considerations

Learn about legal requirements, such as trademarks, copyright, Privacy policies, and data security. Then, make sure your app is compliant with the Apple App Store guidelines.

>App Development Approach

Determine if you’ll build the app yourself, employ an in-house team of developers, or collaborate with an app development company. Each has advantages and disadvantages, depending on your capabilities and experience.

>Technology Stack

Select the appropriate tech stack to build your application. To develop iOS app development apps, git generally employs Objective-C as a programming language Xcode to develop the development platform.

>App Store Guidelines

Learn about the Apple App Store guidelines and policies. Be sure that your application follows these guidelines to avoid rejection in the course of a review.

>Testing and Quality Assurance

Develop a complete test plan or quality assurance to find and fix bugs and ensure your app works correctly across different iOS screens and devices. You might consider conducting a beta test with a selected number of users.

>App Maintenance and Updates

Know that the development of apps is a continuous process. It is necessary to push out updates to fix issues, update features, and keep up-to-date with the newest iOS versions.

>Launch Strategy

Make sure you plan a well-coordinated launch of your app. You could consider soft-launching it to a limited group to get preliminary feedback before a larger launch.

>Analytics and Performance Monitoring

Utilize analytics tools to track the behavior of users about app performance, user behavior, and important indicators of performance (KPIs). Data-driven insights will help you make better choices.

When you carefully consider these elements prior to creating your iOS application, you will improve your chances of creating a highly successful and user-friendly application that meets the requirements of your intended customers and reaches your business goals.

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How Much Does it Cost to Hire iOS Developers?

To outsource your iOS app development in the most effective way, you should be aware of the most popular areas as a business owner. To help you, we’ve created an entire list of the most popular countries in the world, where you can hire iPhone app programmers on a budget.

>United States of America (USA)

Since the beginning of smartphones, the US has been the central point for technology and app development. Therefore, if you employ iOS app developers in the US, you will receive excellent service, but it could also be expensive.

Hiring an iOS developer from the USA will cost between $150 and $250/hour.

>Western Europe

The Western Europe region is known for its amazing technical skills and platform that allows developers to grow their businesses. Therefore, the region has a huge pool of skilled iOS developers.

The hourly rates are $70-$150.

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>Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe is fast emerging as one of the most preferred locations for outsourcing iOS app development services. This is because the prices here are affordable, and the technical expertise of developers is unparalleled.

The typical hourly rates for employing iPhone application developers from Eastern Europe are $30-$50.

The Key Takeaway

The choice of iOS application development opens many possibilities for your product’s business to grow and reach new levels. Business owners must be cautious when hiring iOS developers. It is crucial to know and evaluate the app’s features, business objectives, and the target audience’s needs and budget so that companies can identify and select the team most appropriate for their specific project requirements.

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Also, identify the qualification or proficiency levels required to meet the app’s requirements. This will require you to visit relevant websites, look up applicants’ portfolios, read reviews from past clients, and then screen applicants by conducting an interview.

If everything from scouting to finalizing your selection of a candidate can cause you trouble and take a long time, you can rely on us as our iOS development team, which will help you have the most effective options to collaborate with.

Sandeep Agrawal

Sandeep Agrawal is the visionary CTO at InventCoLabs, bringing innovation to life through his technical expertise. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, Sandeep leads the team in developing robust solutions. His dedication and continous efforts to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible defines his role as a transformative and innovative force in the tech industry.
